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炭酸・ゲルマニウム温浴 Carbon Dioxide & Germanium Warm Bath
■炭酸浴 による効果体内に吸収される炭酸ガスが血液の流れをスムーズにし、老廃物の排泄、冷え性や肩こりの改善、疲労回復などの効果を導きます。筋肉痛や関節痛の原因となる乳酸の排泄も促進します。
■ゲルマニウム温浴 による効果血行促進、冷え性・肩こりの改善、さらには老廃物の排泄などを促し、体質改善効果を高めます。多量の発汗が大きな特徴です。
Germanium Warm Bath Therapy
Relax and enjoy this warm bath while comfortably seated
in a specially designed chair as your hands and feet soak in a soothing mixture of hot water and germanium for 15 to 30 minutes.
This aqua therapy benefits your overall wellness by stimulating blood circulation, improving poor blood circulation, relieving stiff neck, extracting toxins from the body and alleviating other problematic conditions. Profuse perspiration is the most remarkable feature of this therapy.
Carbon Dioxide Bath Therapy
Relax and enjoy this warm bath while comfortably seated in a specially designed chair as your hands and feet soak in a soothing mixture of hot water and carbon dioxide for 15 to 30 minutes.
This aqua therapy improves blood circulation by absorbing carbon dioxide into the body while also removing toxins, improving poor blood circulation, relieving stiff neck, recovering from fatigue and relieving other problems. This therapy also promotes the elimination of lactic acid that causes muscle and joint pains.
* Germanium Warm Bath Therapy and Carbon Dioxide Bath Therapy can be used at the same time.
* Using these bath therapies before treatments is more effective.